Le Petit Marche

Friday, December 7, 2012

What do you wear when you go to bed?

The theme this week at ESN is "sleepy time" and I thought I'd finish it up with "what do you wear when you go to bed"?  ( I mean, after all, it can come off for... and then put back on, what's the big deal?)  I think this is actually an interesting question.  My ex-husband always wanted me to sleep naked, all the time.  I countered, "what if there's a fire or something?"  I have all my life felt comfortable wearing "something" when I go to bed.  Before knowing it was very near the end of our marriage, we sought marriage counseling, he told  the therapist that I slept in flannel pajamas and he didn't like it.  There were other issues of course, not just about what we wear or didn't wear to bed.  But I was insulted that even the therapist looked disturbed that one would wear "flannel" to bed.  Hey, it's cold here in Colorado in the winter and I love my winter warm flannel jammies.  So... I told the therapist what I thought of him, and my husband, divorced "jammie hating guy" and sleep blissfully in any garment that suits the seasonal situation.  But, NO, I do not sleep naked, what if there is a fire or other catastrophe?? Something to think about people, if you sleep naked! .. ;)  In that vein, I have found T-shirts that are for guys but would suit as well for a women's "nightshirt" at

And she has lots of other T-shirts and sweatshirts  that would work great for "sleeping", so check her out and all of us at Ecrater Stores Network

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading your post. I'm with you. Wear to bed what is comfortable and be prepared for anything.
