Le Petit Marche

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cloisonne Jewelry

Cloisonne is an ancient technique for decorating metalwork with gemstones, enamel, glass or other materials.  The decoration is formed by first adding compartments (cloisons in french), to the metal by adhering thin strips of gold or silver that remain in place and are visible in the finished product.  By the 14th century the enamel technique had moved through the Byzantine empire to China where the technique remains common today.  (ref: Wikipedia). I have some very lovely Chinese cloisonne bracelets in a variety of colors, and also some cloisonne earrings in a variety of styles and colors.  Below is a cloisonne bracelet in purple with colorful white and dark  pink flowers.

 And here is a lovely and fun pair of yellow Chinese mask pierced earrings. Masks are an age-old cultural phenomenon shared by all ethnic groups of China.

Please come visit  Le Petit Marche and see what else I have.  And ask questions about anything in my store!

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